New Albany Granville Equestrian Center
New Albany Granville Equestrian Hay Sales
We grow our own high quality grass hay. Our hay is a mix of timothy, orchard and clover. We have our hay tested yearly for quality control. Our 2010 hay came back with:
Crude Protein: 9.3%
Estimated Lysine: .32%
Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF): 38.3%
Neutral Detergent (NDF): 55.2%
WSC (Water Sol.Carbs): 10.2%
ESC (Simple Sugars): 7.3%
Starch: 1.3%
Non Fiber Carbo (NFC): 18.8%
Calcium: 65%
Phosphorus: 25%
RFV (Relative Feed Value): 87%
For a further breakdown of the numbers please understand that the ADF or Acid detergent Fiber deals with digestable amount of the hay. The range for normal grass is 34%-44%.
NDF or Neutral Detergent Fiber deals with palatability/digestability and the lower the number the better the hay. Normal grass hay range is 56%-70%.
RFV or Relative Feed Value is a calculation based on NDF and ADF. The higher the number the higher quality of hay and digestibility of nutrients.
Once we have baled enough hay for our farm, we sell all extra hay. In a normal year we supply other horse farms and livestock operations with around 9000 bales per year.
Please call Carrie or Dan for information on availability.
Barn 740-964-6989 Cell 614-806-4901
11062 Beaver Rd. Johnstown Ohio
2017 First cutting available now please call to be placed on the waitlist for 2nd or 3rd cutting.